Talks Hans Bernhard Schmid

Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 144

Evil in Joint Action. Talk at Fudan University in Shanghai.

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
22.10.2019 - 22.10.2019

Collective Rationality. Talk at Tampere University at the 6th Biennial ENSO Conference "Social Ontology 2019"

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Social Ontology 2019 Tampere
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
23.8.2019 - 23.8.2019

Radical Collective Responsibility. Talk at the Group Agency and Belief Workshop at the University of St. Andrews, UK.

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
2.7.2019 - 2.7.2019

Creatures and Creators of Norms. Talk at the School of Law, University of Glasgow workshop "Social Ontology, Normativity and Philosophy of Law"

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
30.5.2019 - 30.5.2019

Collective Responsibility and Plural Self-Awareness. Talk at University of Vienna workshop "Group Agency and Collective Responsibility"

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Workshop "Group Agency and Collective Responsibility“
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
14.5.2019 - 14.5.2019

Kollektive Intentionalität – Sozialität und Politik. Keynote talk with David Schweikard at the Re:publica 2019 conference in Berlin.

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Re:publica 2019
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
6.5.2019 - 6.5.2019

Introduction to the University of Vienna workshop "Atmospheres of Shared Emotions"

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
25.4.2019 - 25.4.2019

Being oneself versus playing a social role. Talk at the University of Vienna workshop "The Social Institution of Norms"

Hans Bernhard Schmid
The Social Institution of Norms: a workshop with Robert Brandom
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
10.4.2019 - 10.4.2019

Too Many Chiefs? Velleman, Stoutland, Bratman (and Some Others) on ‘I Intend that We J’. Talk at the University of Vienna workshop „Shared Agency, Rationality, Normativity“

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
25.3.2019 - 25.3.2019

Kollektivgedächtnis. Vortrag bei der Konferenz „Erinnern, Gedächtnis und Vergessen aus kollektivwissenschaftlicher Perspektive“ der Universität Regensburg.

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
9.11.2018 - 9.11.2018

Groups Speaking for Themselves. Talk at the University Hradec Kralove workshop "Foundations of Sociality: Collective Intentionality, Inferentialism and the Like"

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Foundations of Sociality: Collective Intentionality, Inferentialism and the Like
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
3.11.2018 - 3.11.2018

Aristotle on Joint Activity and Common Sense. Talk at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences conference in Budapest, "Social Ontology Meets Social Science".

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Social Ontology Meets Social Science
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
2.10.2018 - 2.10.2018

Aristotle on Collective Well-Being. Talk at the University of Belgrade conference "Shared Commitment in Crisis: Social Ontology, Engagement, and Politics".

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Shared Commitment in Crisis. Social Ontology, Engagement, and Politics
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
29.9.2018 - 29.9.2018

In the Mood for Collective Emotion: Emotional Contagion and Plural Self-Awareness. Talk at the workshop "Stimmungen and Atmospheres" at the Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici in Rome.

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
27.9.2018 - 27.9.2018

The Sources of ‘We-Intention’: Sellars, Durkheim, and Collingwood. Talk at the 11th Biennial Collective Intentionality Conference, Tufts University Boston

Hans Bernhard Schmid
The 11th Biennial Collective Intentionality Conference
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
24.8.2018 - 24.8.2018

Institutional Support for Supervisors: Experiences & Good Practices. Talk at the Annual Conference of the Center for Doctoral Studies of the University of Vienna

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Jahreskonferenz Supervision in Doctoral Education
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
14.6.2018 - 14.6.2018

Einsames und gemeinsames Philosophieren. Vortrag am Abschlusskolloquium Evian "Die Zukunft der Philosophie" an der FU Berlin

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
8.6.2018 - 8.6.2018

The Subject of "We Intend". Vortrag am Institutskolloquium der Uni Frankfurt

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
6.6.2018 - 6.6.2018

Collective Responsibility of Random Collections. Vortrag an der Universität Budapest

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
9.3.2018 - 9.3.2018

Rationales Entscheiden und Handeln. Festvortrag an den Wiener Anästhesietagen 2018

Hans Bernhard Schmid
11. Wiener Anästhesietage "Rationales Entscheiden und Handeln"
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
8.3.2018 - 8.3.2018

Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 144