Talks Hans Bernhard Schmid

Joint intentions as Commitments. Vortrag an der LMU München

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
30.1.2018 - 30.1.2018

Improvised Joint Action and Original Sin. Vortrag am Helsinki University Workshop "Improvisation in Social and Political Action"

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
12.12.2017 - 12.12.2017

The Subject of "We Intend". Vortrag am ENS Lyon Study Day on collective action and agency

Hans Bernhard Schmid
ENS Lyon Study Day on collective action and agency
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
27.11.2017 - 27.11.2017

Responsibility and Self-Knowledge. Vortrag am Collective Responsibility Workshop an der Helsinki University

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
18.11.2017 - 18.11.2017

Der Haken bei der globalen Freizügigkeit. Vortrag an der EKM-Jahrestagung "Staat neu denken. Von Grenzen und neuen Heimaten"

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
9.11.2017 - 9.11.2017

"I Know You Should - But Will You?" Cognitive and Normative Attitudes in Interaction. Vortrag am Workshop "Groups, Norms, and Practices: Intentionalists vs. Inferentialists"

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Workshop "Groups, Norms, and Practices: Intentionalists vs. Inferentialists"
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
4.11.2017 - 4.11.2017

Joint Attention. Seminar und Vortrag an der Universität Belgrad

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
2.10.2017 - 3.10.2017

Vom Glück in Beziehungen: Aristotelische Gedanken. Vortrag an der Sommerakademie Pro Scientia im Stift Tepl.

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Sommerakademie Pro Scientia im Stift Tepl
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
4.9.2017 - 4.9.2017

Collective Responsibilities of Random Collections: Plural Self-Awareness Among Strangers

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
31.8.2017 - 31.8.2017

Plural Subjects. Vortrag an der Berlin School of Mind and Brain

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
17.6.2017 - 17.6.2017

Knowing What We Want: Collective Intentionality as Plural Self-Determination

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
9.6.2017 - 9.6.2017

Plural Subjects. Workshop of Critical Social Philosophy

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Workshop of Critical Social Philosophy
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
15.5.2017 - 19.5.2017

The Subject of ‘We Intend’. Vortrag an der Universität des Saarlandes

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
3.5.2017 - 3.5.2017

The Guise of the Bad in Augustine’s Pear Theft. Vortrag an der Universität Jena

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
26.4.2017 - 26.4.2017

Collective Responsibility Among Strangers

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
23.2.2017 - 23.2.2017

Plural Subjects of Intention

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
22.2.2017 - 22.2.2017

The Plural Subject. The Royal Institute of Philosophy Invited Lectures Series 2016/17

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
21.2.2017 - 21.2.2017

Authentic Role Play. Vortrag an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Talk or oral contribution
9.2.2017 - 9.2.2017

Interaction: intentional interpretation and functional explanation

Hans Bernhard Schmid
Workshop: Social Functions 1: The Metaphysics of Social Functions
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
3.2.2017 - 3.2.2017

Emigrationsfreiheit und Immigrationsbeschränkung

Hans Bernhard Schmid
VO-L Flucht, Asyl, Menschenrechte | Philosophische Perspektiven
Lecture series, colloquium, Talk or oral contribution
12.1.2017 - 12.1.2017