Talks Martin Kusch
Showing entries 41 - 60 out of 180
Epistemological Anarchism Meets Epistemic Voluntarism
Martin Kusch
Talk or oral contribution
14.3.2019 - 14.3.2019
Epistemological Anarchism Meets Epistemic Voluntarism
Martin Kusch
Talk or oral contribution
12.2.2019 - 20.2.2019
The Epistemic Relativism of the Strong Programme Revisited
Martin Kusch
Talk or oral contribution
12.2.2019 - 20.2.2019
Re-Discovering Simmel: Genealogy, Pragmatism, and the Philosophy-Sociology Relationship
Martin Kusch
Talk or oral contribution
26.11.2018 - 2.12.2018
What are the Functions of the Social Sciences in Liberal Democracy?
Martin Kusch
Talk or oral contribution
20.11.2018 - 20.11.2018
The Sociology of Philosophical Canons: The Case of Georg Simmel
Martin Kusch
Deutschsprachige Philosophie im Zeitalter Politischer Umwälzungen 1900-1938
Talk or oral contribution
18.10.2018 - 18.10.2018
Ist Wissen relativ? Eine Einleitung in den erkenntnistheoretischen Relativismus
Martin Kusch
Blick über den Tellerrand
Lecture series, colloquium,
Talk or oral contribution
16.10.2018 - 16.10.2018
Stances, Voluntarism, Relativism
Martin Kusch
Relativism in Epistemology and Semantics
Talk or oral contribution
1.10.2018 - 1.10.2018
Simmel's Moralwissenschaft and the Rée-Nietzsche Controversy over the Genealogy of Morals
Martin Kusch
Antworten auf die "Krise der Philosophie". Georg Simmels eingentümliche Haltung zur Philosophiegeschichte.
Talk or oral contribution
5.9.2018 - 5.9.2018
Simmel on the Relationship between Philosophy and Sociology
Martin Kusch
The 2018 Joint European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Science Roundtable Conference
Talk or oral contribution
1.9.2018 - 1.9.2018
Relativism in the Philosophy of Science - Especially in van Fraassen
Martin Kusch
Relativism in Philosophy and Politics
Summer/Winter school,
Talk or oral contribution
20.7.2018 - 20.7.2018
From Völkerpsychologie to the Sociology of Knowledge
Martin Kusch
HOPOS 2018 - The International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
Talk or oral contribution
11.7.2018 - 11.7.2018
The Sociology of Philosophical Canons: The Case of Georg Simmel
Martin Kusch
History of Analytical Philosophy at McMaster University: Historiography, Methodology, Metaphilosophy and the Canon
Talk or oral contribution
30.6.2018 - 30.6.2018
Pragmatism in Georg Simmel
Martin Kusch
European Pragmatism: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Talk or oral contribution
20.4.2018 - 20.4.2018
Simmel on the Relationship between Philosophy and Sociology
Martin Kusch
A Science of Society? Controversies over the Possibility of Social-Scientific Knowledge around 1900
Talk or oral contribution
13.4.2018 - 13.4.2018
Scientific Realism: A Primer
Martin Kusch
Lecture Series on Foundations of Science: Scientific Realism
Lecture series, colloquium,
Talk or oral contribution
8.3.2018 - 8.3.2018
Simmel's Moralwissenschaft and the Rée-Nietzsche Controversy over the Genealogy of Morals
Martin Kusch
Genealogie, Historismus und Relativismus
Talk or oral contribution
24.2.2018 - 24.2.2018
Lecture and debate on the concept of Relativism
Martin Kusch
From knowledge to decision. Interdoctoral PhD course
Talk or oral contribution
16.2.2018 - 16.2.2018
From Völkerpsychologie to the Sociology of Knowledge
Martin Kusch
Talk or oral contribution
10.1.2018 - 10.1.2018
Showing entries 41 - 60 out of 180