Talks Martin Kusch
Showing entries 61 - 80 out of 180
The Epistemic Relativism of the Strong Programme Revisited
Martin Kusch
Kolloquium Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung WS 2017/18
Lecture series, colloquium,
Talk or oral contribution
11.12.2017 - 11.12.2017
The Epistemic Relativism of the Strong Programme Revisited
Martin Kusch
Continental Realism
Talk or oral contribution
8.12.2017 - 8.12.2017
The Epistemic Relativism of the Strong Programme Revisited
Martin Kusch
Relativism Re-evaluated
Talk or oral contribution
22.9.2017 - 22.9.2017
The Epistemic Relativism of the Strong Programme Revisited
Martin Kusch
BSPS 2017 Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh
Talk or oral contribution
13.7.2017 - 13.7.2017
The Epistemic Relativism of the Strong Programme Revisited
Martin Kusch
Talk or oral contribution
3.7.2017 - 10.7.2017
From Völkerpsychologie to the Sociology of Knowledge
Martin Kusch
Talk or oral contribution
8.6.2017 - 8.6.2017
From Völkerpsychologie to the Sociology of Knowledge
Martin Kusch
Talk or oral contribution
19.5.2017 - 19.5.2017
Peer Disagreements, Certainties, Relativism
Martin Kusch
Forschungsschwerpunkt Wittgenstein "Wittgen=steine"
Lecture series, colloquium,
Talk or oral contribution
12.5.2017 - 12.5.2017
What are the Functions of the Social Sciences in Liberal Democracy?
Martin Kusch
Ringvorlesung: Wissenschaftsreflexion: Theorie-Ethik-Praxis
Lecture series, colloquium,
Talk or oral contribution
2.5.2017 - 2.5.2017
From Völkerpsychologie to the Sociology of Knowledge
Martin Kusch
Folk Psychology and Descriptive Psychology - in the Contexts of Historicism, Relativism and Naturalism
Talk or oral contribution
27.4.2017 - 27.4.2017
Wittgenstein, Certainites, Relativism
Martin Kusch
Talk or oral contribution
15.2.2017 - 15.2.2017
Simmel and Mannheim on the Sociology of Philosophy, Historicism and Relativism
Martin Kusch
DR2 Conference - Distant Reading and Data-Driven Research in the History of Philosophy
Talk or oral contribution
17.1.2017 - 17.1.2017
De-idealizing Disagreement, Rethinking Relativism
Martin Kusch
When Experts Disagree - Research Project (WEXD)
Talk or oral contribution
21.10.2016 - 21.10.2016
Peer Disagreement, Certainties, Relativism
Martin Kusch
Dublin Philosophy Research Network - Workshop on Relativism
Talk or oral contribution
20.10.2016 - 20.10.2016
Contextualizing Philosophy, Confronting Relativism: Simme, Spengler, Scheler, Mannheim
Martin Kusch
Relativism in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century German-Speaking Philosophy
Talk or oral contribution
24.9.2016 - 24.9.2016
Simmel and Mannheim on the Sociology of Philosophy, Historicism and Relativism
Martin Kusch
Symposium of the Swiss Philosophical Society (SPS)
Talk or oral contribution
16.9.2016 - 16.9.2016
De-Idealizing Disagreement, Rethinking Relativism
Martin Kusch
Relativism in the Study of Science
Summer/Winter school,
Talk or oral contribution
6.7.2016 - 6.7.2016
Peer Disagreement, Certainties, Relativism
Martin Kusch
Relativism in the Study of Science
Summer/Winter school,
Talk or oral contribution
5.7.2016 - 5.7.2016
Peer-Uneinigkeiten, Gewissheiten, Relativismus
Martin Kusch
Tagung zur sozialen Erkenntnistheorie
Talk or oral contribution
24.6.2016 - 24.6.2016
Peer Disagreement, Certainties, Relativism
Martin Kusch
Workshop on complex disagreement
Talk or oral contribution
19.5.2016 - 19.5.2016
Showing entries 61 - 80 out of 180